Thursday, December 5, 2013

Registration Deadline to the Tagaytay Read-Aloud Christmas Competition for Kids

When is the deadline for submitting a registration form?  It is on Sunday, December 8, 2013.

Who may register?   Children, aged 10 -12, enrolled in private or public schools in the province of Cavite.

How many contestants per school may register?  Only TWO contestants per school, please.

What does a contestant need to submit?  A child, aged 10 - 12, must e-mail to the accomplished registration form and a pdf or jpeg file of his/her school ID. That's all.

May a parent or guardian submit a child's registration form?  Yes. There is no need for a certificate of enrolment from the school. The child's school ID is sufficient.

How should a registration form be submitted?  Please e-mail to
Please send ONE registration form and child's ID per e-mail. If you are submitting another registration form, please send another e-mail. To ensure clarity, please use the child's name in the subject line. Example: Registration of Michael de Jesus.

Why does the registration form need to be e-mailed?  E-mails have a time-stamp. In case three or more contestants from one school register, the time-stamp will determine the "first come, first served" rule. In addition, it is convenient to acknowledge an online registration.

If you have any questions, feel free to email Dr. Carmelita C. Ballesteros at
You may also call or text through mobile number 0943 311 6401.

See you at Magallanes Square Hotel on December 16, 2013 at 2:00 - 5:00 p.m.!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Tagaytay Read-Aloud Christmas Competition for Kids

Did you know that Tagaytay is a "City of Character?" In keeping with this unique quality of Tagaytay City, we have organized the First Tagaytay Read-Aloud Christmas Competition for Kids. How does the read-aloud competition support Tagaytay as a "City of Character?" Well, the book to be read aloud, Annie D. Ant, is about an ant, a grasshopper, and other animals who show that GENEROSITY is giving when you have very little to give in the first place. Also, the animals spread the love around while dealing with the challenges of climate change (El Nino), a very timely topic.

What are our objectives?  1) to promote love of reading; 2) to enhance reading fluency while developing poise and confidence in children; and 3) to help build the children’s character through books  which exemplify universal values such as kindness, love of neighbors, stewardship of the environment, etc.

The Tagaytay Read-Aloud Christmas competition is open to all students, aged 10-12, who are enrolled in any school in the province of Cavite. It will be held at Magallanes Square Hotel on December 16, 2013 at 2:00-5:00 p.m. Medals, gift certificates, and consolation prizes will be given to winners and non-winners.

Registration is free. E-mail your accomplished registration forms to
Call or text mobile 0943 311 6401.

Below are the registration form, mechanics, and criteria for judging.

See you at the First Tagaytay Read-Aloud Christmas Competition for Kids!

December 16, 2013
             Tagaytay Read-Aloud Christmas Competition  for Kids

Read-Aloud Registration Form
                                                  (please scroll down for the Mechanics)

Child’s NAME: ______________________________            AGE: _______

Name of School: _________________________________________________

Address of School _______________________________________________


Name of Principal _______________________________________________

E-mail Address:    ________________________________________

MOBILE ______________________     Landline________________


Name of Teacher, Parent, or Guardian:
(please delete whichever is not applicable )


E-mail Address:    ________________________________________

MOBILE ______________________     Landline_______________


On behalf of ____________________________________________________
(child’s name), I hereby  affirm that the above information is true 
and correct to the best of my knowledge.

 _____________________________________                  ________________

Name of Teacher, Parent, or Guardian                           Date
(please delete whichever is not applicable )
Tagaytay Read-Aloud Christmas Competition for Kids
                                          (Please scroll down for the Criteria for Judging.)
1.   The Read-Aloud Competition is open to all students, aged 10-12, who are enrolled in any school in the province of Cavite.
2.   Only two contestants per school may join the competition. The “first come, first served” rule will be observed if more than two contestants from one school happen to register. 
  1. Registration is free. Interested students may download the registration form and contest mechanics from  
  1. Registration by e-mail is open until December 8, 2013.
5.    E-mail an accomplished registration form, together with the child’s school ID (pdf or jpeg file), to until December 8, 2013.  Note:  Please send only  one child’s registration form and school  ID per  e-mail. Use the child’s name in the subject line. Send another e-mail to register a second contestant.
  1. The book to be read is a Christmas picture book entitled, “Annie D. Ant.”  It is available at the Magallanes Square Hotel during store hours (10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.) The book is about an ant, a grasshopper and other animals who share meager resources and celebrate Christmas while facing the challenges of climate change (i.e., El Niño). 
7.   The read-aloud method of delivery is book-based.
            a.    Contestants must read from the book. There is no need to memorize.
b.   Contestants are not allowed to use any props or costume.
c.    Contestants must wear a plain white t-shirt (with or without collar) and a pair of pants (any color).
d.   Contestants may not use any equipment or gadget.
8.   Each contestant will be given four (4) minutes to perform. His/her teacher, parent, or guardian may help in editing lines from the book while keeping the storyline intact. A contestant must  manage his/her time well by allocating approximately 30 seconds to the introduction, 3 minutes to the book proper, and 30 seconds to the closing. When the “time’s up” sign is shown, a contestant may finish his/her last sentence and tell the audience that he/she will be back to finish the story. (Hint: Use the 100 words per minute speed as the guideline.)
9.   On the day of the competition, December 16, 2013, contestants must register in person at the Magallanes Square Hotel at 1:00 p.m. They must show their school ID to the event organizer. They must wear the prescribed attire and they must have their own copy of the book to be read.
10.  Criteria. Please scroll down.
11.  The decision of the judges will be final.
12.  Prizes: Medals and gift certificates will be given to the 1st , 2nd , and              3rd place winners. The rest will be given consolation prizes.
                          Tagaytay Read-Aloud Christmas Competition for Kids
Premise. The book-based method of reading aloud must be followed as given in the mechanics. A contestant will be disqualified  if she/he fails to observe the prescribed method:
a.     Contestants must read from the book. There is no need to memorize.
            b.     Contestants are not allowed to use any props or costume.
            c.     Contestants must wear a plain white t-shirt (with or without collar) and a pair of pants (any color).
            d.     Contestants may not use any equipment or gadget.



1. Audience Rapport. The reader glances at the book, then establishes eye contact with the audience.


2. Audience Interaction. The reader must:

a. Introduce the book by showing the cover to the audience and giving its title, author’s name and illustrator’s name. Also, the reader must say or ask something about the story to whet the interest of the audience.

b. Proceed to the book proper immediately. The reader may “ad lib” by acting out ONE short scene from the book. The “ad lib” part is brief and makes the story come alive.

c. Close the read-aloud session by asking a question or two which will help the audience get the message of the story.


3. Voice Projection. The reader speaks loud enough so that the audience can hear comfortably.


4. Reading Fluency. The reader speaks with little or no hesitation,  pronounces accurately, and observes proper phrasing and intonation.


5. Expression, Enthusiasm, and Body Language. The reader is able to engage and energize the audience.


6. Poise and Confidence. The reader exudes grace and self-assurance.


7. Overall Impact. The reader’s total performance is fluent, expressive, and engaging. It communicates the message of the story.


 T O T A L